Sunday, October 12, 2008


My husband & I went on a date this Friday night. We had dinner and went to a movie. Sounds easy enough, right? This is something that, unfortunately, doesn't happen very frequently for us. But I knew it was well overdue and I hired a sitter to come and made the plans. We had dinner together at El Charro restaurant, a little piece of Tucson history. Can I just say how nice it was to have a meal together, while being able to hold a conversation & not have to stop to take a child to the bathroom or tell another child to sit down and stop sticking their hands in my glass? heaven I tell you. So after having my relaxing dinner that wasn't rushed because I was going to flip out by being in a restaurant longer than 30 minutes with my three children, we went to a movie. Chris & I couldn't even recall the last movie we saw together in a theater.

We saw the movie Fireproof. We had heard from a few friends that this was a great movie for married couples. I had no idea what I was in for. This movie is AMAZING, WONDERFUL, BIBLICAL, and IMPACTING. Chris & I walked out fully aware of our own selfishness & hurtfullness that we can cause our spouse. I knew FULLY that I wasn't giving to my husband as Christ gave for me. wow. humbling. We had a wonderful discussion that is still continuing...this movie sparked a newness in us that I have been longing for. we both have. This movie helped to ignite the fire within our marriage that tends to smolder over time. We know that our marriage is a covenant between us & God and we have seen how God can restore a marriage when HE is in the center.

So, my friends, do something very special for your marriage and see this movie very soon. I pray that you receive the blessings above and beyond what we have.

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